Author Archive

The One Decision that Makes a Millionaire

Brian Buffini delves into the one decision that can help you build a fortune.

Don’t Just Set Goals, Do This – an Interview with Bo Eason Part 1

What does it take to become the very best at what you do? Bo Eason shares his proven strategy for achieving greatness, with tools that work for everyone from professional athletes to military leaders to  …

Budget or Busted

Brian Buffini gives in-depth information to help you create a budget that works for your financial goals and circumstances.

Recession Proof Your Money Part 1

Brian teaches how to maximize opportunities and grow your finances during turbulent economic times. He also interviews his personal financial advisor, Ben Stewart, about specific strategies that can lead to success.

Recession Proof Your Money Part 2

Brian further explains how to make the most of opportunities and grow your business and finances during challenging economic times. He also answers key questions submitted by listeners.

Developing a Knack with Money

Brian gives ideas and principles to help you make a quantum leap in your finances, get ahead of the game and escape the economic rat race for good!

Inflation and You – Part 1

The first in a two-part special, Brian takes a deep dive into inflation and explains why we need to cut through the noise and understand the truth about it if we want to live the  …

Inflation and You – Part 2

In part 2 of this episode, Brian explains how you can hedge against inflation and come out on top by investing in your business, yourself and your assets.

Simple Hacks for Humans – An Interview with Jordan Harbinger Part 2

In today’s increasingly disconnected world, networking is more important than ever before. In this episode, Jordan Harbinger teaches how to build the right habits to connect, reconnect and manage relationships to succeed at the highest  …

Simple Hacks for Humans – An Interview with Jordan Harbinger Part 1

Jordan Harbinger is known as “the Larry King of podcasting.” In this episode, Brian learns how this inquisitive kid who was fascinated by the internet at an early age became one of the top podcasters  …

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